Gerry Hancock, a partner with Everett Gaskins Hancock, was honored by the North Carolina Justice Center with a Lifetime Champion of Justice award. Gerry has spent over fifty years advocating for children and education. Gerry has been instrumental in creating the North Carolina Center for Public Policy Research, the Public School Forum of North Carolina, the North Carolina Biotechnology Center and EducationNC. He also co-founded The Innovation Project.
Gerry was a volunteer lobbyist and State Chair of Common Cause in the mid-seventies. He worked alongside Governor Terry Sanford in the development of the Southern Growth Policies Board, a compact of southern states, and helped Lt. Governor Bob Jordan establish the North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center.
Gerry successfully led lobbying efforts for the supplemental allocation of funds to 75 struggling school districts and currently represents the Low Wealth Schools Consortium, in the Leandro v. NC litigation.
Gerry continues to represent public schools, nonprofits, and statewide public-private partnerships, providing legal services and counsel on organizational design and philanthropic impact.