Raleigh Law Office
Everett Gaskins Hancock Tuttle Hash LLP
220 Fayetteville Street
Suite 300
Raleigh, NC 27601
Telephone: 919-755-0025
Parking Information
Visitors may park for free in the Alexander Square Parking Deck. Please bring your ticket with you as we provide parking validation upon departure from our office.
Alexander Square Parking Deck
120 South Wilmington St.
Raleigh, NC 27601
To get to our office from this parking deck, use the parking deck elevators to exit on Fayetteville Street. Walk to the corner of Hargett and Fayetteville and cross to the west side of Fayetteville Street, Our office is located in the Historic Briggs Hardware Store building (between The Big Easy Restaurant and the Boylan Pearce building). Enter through the City of Raleigh Museum (COR) main doors and take the elevator to the 3rd floor.